On the basis of laboratory and bench tests carried out by the “Prüfamt für Verkehrswegebau” from TU Munich, the Federal Railway Authority has granted approval for Pioonier P30 composite sleepers for operational testing.
This includes the P30 railway sleeper and the P30 turnout sleeper with cross-sectional dimensions of W x H = 260 mm x 160 mm. These can be used for ballasted track for wheel loads of up to 250 kN and a maximum speed of up to 160 km/h.
The P30 sleepers have passed the following test series without damage or exceeding the limit values:
- 3-point bending test before the fatigue test
- Fatigue test in ballast box (5,000,000 load cycles)
- 3-point bending test after the fatigue test
- Cyclic temperature load (-20°C … +40°C)
We are looking forward to the upcoming sleeper projects with our P30 composite sleeper made of high-quality recycled composites!